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How to do Installation of K8S using kubeadm?

Till now I have given blogs on k8s objects, services, namespaces, ingress etc. but where to execute and implement all those, yes, we need a k8s cluster for that, if you have it already go n execute, if not, here is the solution for you. Execute below commands to configure…
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If you have deployed different applications on k8s cluster using various objects like deployments, pods, services etc. all the info about cluster is stored into ETCD cluster. If your application is using persistent storage that will be considered as another backup scenario. We will be creating different resources either using…
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Git Command line Options

Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency. Git is commonly used for open source and commercial software development. GitHub is a web-based service for version control using Git. Basically, it is a social code-hosting…
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Taints and Tolerations

Taints and tolerations are used to restrict the pods to schedule them onto respective nodes. There is nothing to do with security. If no restrictions are applied K8s scheduler places the pods in all respective nodes equally to balance all the pods Assume we have certain resources assigned for application…
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Node Selector

Assume you have 3 nodes cluster of which two of them are having lower hardware resources and one of them is larger node configured with higher resources, and there are different kinds of workloads running in our cluster, and you would like to dedicate data-processing workloads that require higher horse…
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The k8s node affinity feature is to ensure pods are hosted on a particular node. As mentioned in previous blog large data processing nodes are into node-1. we achieved that using node selectors. As I mentioned that we cannot provide advance expressions like large or medium / not in small…
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What is ingress and what are the components of it?

Ingress is a resource, which exposes the http and https from external sources to the services within the cluster, by adding the rules in the ingress resource for routing the traffic, where traffic is controlled by ingress controller. From the above lines we can understand that ingress consists of two…
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Kubernetes RBAC (Role Based Access Control)

The Kubernetes RBAC (role bases access control) system helps us in defining set of rules in controlling the access among users across resources. Kubernetes cluster by default has two name spaces, “default” and “kube-system”. Creation of additional namespaces is also possible for organizing and separation of work based on our…
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GitHub – Administration

To understand GitHub, you must first have an understanding of Git. Git is an open-source version control system and GitHub is a cloud-based Git repository hosting service. Essentially, it makes it a lot easier for individuals and teams to use Git for version control and collaboration. In this article, we…
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Integration of Git into Visual Studio

Nearly all versions of the Visual Studio IDE provide integration features for source control. Git Client is directly built into all the latest versions of Visual Studio IDE. This documentation is about using git in Visual Studio 2019 version. Git Cloning Process: – 1. All features relevant to Git are available…
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Namespaces in Kubernetes

A default namespace is created automatically when the cluster is being setup. To isolate or prevent a user from accidentally deleting the services, Kubernetes creates certain pods for its internal purpose like networking solution, DNS service etc. Kubernetes creates them under another namespace which is created at cluster startup named…
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Services and Blue-Green Deployment Strategy

In this article, we’ll briefly focus on services and blue-green deployment strategy. What is a service in Kubernetes? A service is responsible for making our pods discoverable inside the network or exposing them to the internet. A service identifies pods by its LabelSelector. What are the types of services? Cluster…
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Kubernetes basic Objects

In this article, we will learn about the basic objects of Kubernetes in detail with their respective YAML files. POD Replication Controller Replica Set Daemon Set Deployment Service Volume Job POD A pod is a basic unit of K8S. Pod always run on node. In K8S cluster Pod represents running…
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Understanding how to create and Install Windows Services in C#.Net

Windows Service in C#: This article is about how to create a Windows Service in C# .net using Visual Studio. Windows Services: Windows services are the executable applications which run in the background and doesn’t contain any user interface. Windows services can be scheduled to run automatically whenever operating system…
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SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT)

SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) is a modern development tool for building SQL Server relational databases, Azure SQL Databases, Analysis Services (AS) data models, Integration Services (IS) packages, and Reporting Services (RS) reports, which comes integrated with Visual Studio. With SSDT, you can design and deploy any SQL Server data models…
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Don’t Postpone Digital Transformation, but Firm up on the Strategy during COVID-19 pandemic

Trust you and your teams are safe!   The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has affected lives around the world and has been a crisis for all sectors.  The global pandemic continues to impact organizations – big or small and their customer base. It has thrown a couple of twists –…
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Integration of Git into Eclipse IDE

The Eclipse IDE provides support for the Git version control system. You can easily perform the necessary Git commands like staging, commit, merge, pull and push via the Eclipse IDE. Git is pre-installed in Eclipse IDE. If git is not installed by default, go to Help > Eclipse Marketplace and install git explicitly. 1. Git…
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Implementing Azure DevSecOps with Microsoft Credential Scanner

Let’s look at CredScan which is a Microsoft Code Analysis extension and it is abbreviated as MSCA in Azure DevOps. This blog outlines a set of simple steps to implement Credential Scanning using Azure DevOps on an ASP.NET application. Introducing MSCA Microsoft Security Code Analysis extension is a set of tasks…
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Difference Between K8S vs Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Kubernetes aka K8s is container orchestration tool, which helps us to control our containers in the clusters. It is open source platform for managing containerized applications. Born in GOOGLE, written in GO/Golang. Donated to CNCF in 2014. Kubernetes v1.0 was released on July 21 2015. Current stable version in 1.14…
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Code Analysis & Code Metrics Integration in Azure Pipelines

This documentation shows the tutorial on how to integrate Visual Studio Code Analysis and Code Metrics in Azure Pipelines using YAML. Follow the steps: Open Visual Studio 2019 and open project or solution and select your project. Now you have to add a NuGet package named “Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Metrics” to your solution…
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Reusable Workflows

Reusable Workflows: A reusable workflow is a pre-defined GitHub Actions workflow that can be called from another workflow. Reusable workflows make it easy to treat a workflow like an Action. It can be referenced and executed from other workflows in the caller’s context. This allows teams to share common workflow…
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Test blog

Dependency Graph – The dependency graph is a summary of the manifest and lock files stored in a repository. The dependency graph is available for every public repository that defines dependencies in a supported package ecosystem using a supported file format. Repository administrators can also set up the dependency graph…
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Migrate SQL Server Database To Azure SQL Server

In this blog we will see how to migrate the SQL Server database to Azure SQL Server. The Import and Export Wizard is a simple way to copy data using bacpac file.     Export to bacpac file in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)   Open and connect database file in SQL…
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Migrate SQL Server Database To Azure SQL Server

In this blog we will see how to migrate the SQL Server database to Azure SQL Server. The Import and Export Wizard is a simple way to copy data using bacpac file. Export to bacpac file in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) Open and connect database file in SQL Server Management Studio…
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Migrate SQL Server Database To Azure SQL

In this blog we will see how to migrate the SQL Server database to Azure SQL Server. The Import and Export Wizard is a simple way to copy data using bacpac file.   Export to bacpac file in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)…
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Microsoft Azure : Azure App Service [Build And Host Web Apps, Mobile-Back Ends Without Managing Infrastructure]

Introduction In this blog post we will see what is Azure App Service and it’s features and why do we use it, we can develop an application in any language or framework, such as .NET, .NET Core, Java, Node.js, PHP, or Python. Applications run and scale as per our need with…
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SAP Intelligent RPA 2.0: End to End working scenario of Supplier Invoice Status Checks Bot.

Introduction:  These days for checking the Invoice and Payment status, most businesses are busy doing manual progression. Daily, multiple requests are received by the supplier to check the invoice statuses and provide other details. Checking the status and providing the details of each invoice over the emails requires labor, which is a tedious and time-consuming process.  Integrating this…
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LDAP Integration with Jenkins

In this document, we are going to see the integration process of LDAP and Jenkins. The default installation of Jenkins server uses internal user database which doesn’t work for large development and operations teams. You need to manually create each user. If you want to access the Jenkins with LDAP…
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Mobile DevOps

DevOps can be defined as an approach to enable seamless application delivery from inception to production. This approach improves Software Development by focusing on collaboration between various stakeholders and project members. DevOps is gaining popularity with the mobile app development teams. Mobile app development generally adopts the latest trends, technologies…
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Microsoft App Center Demo Generator

Introduction App Center Microsoft Visual Studio App Center is very powerful and useful tool for our mobile application development and deployment. It provides multiple functionalities when it comes implementing DevOps for our Mobile Apps. App Center provides rich feature set namely, CI build for our application along with unit testing…
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