Canarys | IT Services


Application Maintenance


Our dedicated and skilled resources ensure that routine maintenance and enhancements to your existing applications is done with ease. With a wide range of technology and domain expertise, we study your existing applications to identify areas of improvement and defects apart from the requirements provided by you. Our team members are equipped to work independently or in a collaborative environment along with you. We have been successfully executing several long term maintenance contracts spanning several years with multiple parallel resource teams. With strict adherence to timelines and deliverables, Canarys delivers you winning solutions taking care of the daunting business problems. With Canarys taking care of the core development activities, you can focus your energy on the more important aspects of your business.

The critical success factor for having effective outsourcing is to have tangible measurement associated with the deliverable. The above are trilateral measurements associated with each deliverable spanning across all support levels.

Quantification of Deliverables

The requirements for the services are well-defined and fulfillment is measured quantitatively. Thus each of the deliverable and its associated parameter is quantified. A Sample Deliverable Parameter Matrix is shown:

Maintenance is a Service intensive activity providing application and product support. It is highly human intensive activity and thus is more relation-oriented (as against task oriented in a project) between the organizations. Product support is envisaged and rendered as a multi-level activity. Each level has relevant deliverables associated with it (similar to project).

Each or many activities in each support level (L1..L3) has a defined Software Process and lifecycle associated with it. Lifecycle depicts the Process flow while each process has discrete steps. Each step has Inputs, Tasks, and Outputs and associated metrics that can be used to stipulate entry and exit conditions.

Any sample Lifecycle includes Enhancement, Defect fix, Porting, Usage support and New development.

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