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Bugzilla – TFS Migrator


Bugzilla to TFS 2013 Migrator

Seamless, Stress-free and Simplified Migrations using CDMT “Canarys Data Migration Tool”                       

If you are one of those people who have grown fond of TFS 2013 and its capabilities but still using Bugzilla for defect tracking, here is some interesting information for you.

Bugzilla undoubtedly is a great defect tracking tool. But when we talk about Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) offered by the TFS with end-to-end traceability, the defect management in an external tool, may prove to be the major chink in your armor.

Even though the intent of moving away from Bugzilla to TFS may be lurking in your mind, the lack of the tools for the purpose may be hindering your plans. The sheer efforts required to move the current defect information from the Bugzilla to the TFS may be the major deterrent.

Canarys has built a migration tool “Bugzilla to TFS 2013 Migrator Tool” which is very user friendly and is capable of migrating the complete defect information from the Bugzilla Defect Tracking System into the Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2013. The data migrated would include:

  • the information from the defect fields
  • the transaction history
  • the transition history
  • the user information
  • the attachments
  • the final state
  • the current assignee

The tool also manages the user translations from the Bugzilla users to the TFS Active Directory users so that the ownership information as well as transaction history correctly maps to the relevant users in TFS. In addition, the state translations are also taken care given the minor nomenclature differences between Bugzilla and TFS.

One of the salient features of the tool is that once the initial analysis is completed, the migration can be planned incrementally. The tool automatically also picks up from the previous stopped position and continues migration from there on, in case of any disruptions during the migration.

 Canarys bugzilla migrator

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