Azure DevOps integration with Xamarin
Xamarin is an open-source platform for building cutting-edge and effective applications for different cross platforms like Android, iOS and Windows with .NET using single shared codebase. In this blog I am using Azure DevOps cloud to build an application, below fig (a) shows the sample code in azure repos. Build pipeline creation in azure DevOps:…
Azure DevOps integration with Flutter
Dart is a programming language invented by google initially later it is evolved significantly which is used to create Flutter applications, Flutter is an open-source framework that enabled us to create cross-platform applications using a single codebase. In this blog I am using Azure DevOps cloud to build an application. Install the Flutter extension available…
Swift Closures
A closure is a kind of anonymous(no name) function that gets stored as a variable so it can be called later on, and has the special ability to remember the state of your program when you used it.Closures are typically enclosed in curly braces { } and are defined by a function type () ->…
Creating Apps Using Phonegap Framework in IOS
Creating apps for different operating system is not a reliability so for reducing developr work for all devices, the phonegap framework comes into picture with a highly responsive for all devices, write program in Javascript/Jquery and give a build in any platform. So here i am going to demonstrate the “HOW TO GENERATE IOS BUILD…
Memory Management in iOS
Memory Management iOS In this blog we will walk through very important thing which all iOS developer should always need to take care while developing apps for same. We will see few topics related to this thing which is below :- What is the term memory management? What may happen if we don’t do memory…
How to Save Photos to Custom Album in iPhone/iPad Photo Library
Here is a way through which you can create your custom Album and can save captured images within that. You can implement this feature using ALAssetsLibrary Class. First of all please add AssetsLibrary.framework into your project then create two class file which is below :- ALAssetsLibrary+CustomPhotoAlbum.h and ALAssetsLibrary+CustomPhotoAlbum.m ALAssetsLibrary+CustomPhotoAlbum.h AlAssets #import #import typedef void(^SaveImageCompletion)(NSError* error);…
Implementing iOS Setting Bundle
iOS Setting Bundle:- Actually sometimes we need to interact our app i.e giving some input value or changing some default value or use default value unless we are not changing that value in that case we need to create one app setting which will be outside the app but once we click on Setting in…
Wireless Ad-Hoc distribution for iOS apps
Creating Ad-Hoc is an important part of iOS app development because it helps us in testing the app during development phase. Here is distribution process through dropbox in which just need to click on a link of html and you are done with installation. In this process need to share that same link(public link of…
iOS qrcode generator
Have you heard of QR Codes yet? Here is a quick introduction:- QR is short for Quick Response . It is used to take a piece of information from a transitory media and put it in to your cell phone.It is more useful because it can store much more data, including url links, geo coordinates,…
How to Create a Provisioning profile for iOS
To Run an app on iOS device,you must have a Provisioning Profile installed on your device. Steps to create provisioning profile:- 1.Login here on iOS developer center(https://developer.apple.com/devcenter/ios/index.action). Note that if you are not a registered Apple iOS Developer, you will need to sign up for this program before proceeding 2.Select Provisoning Profile option from left panel.…