Category: Microsoft Azure

  • Microsoft Azure : Machine Learning – Price Prediction

    We’ll create linear regression model that predicts price of automobile based on different variables such as make and technical specifications. Pre-requisite We’ll use Azure Machine Learning Studio to develop and iterate on simple predictive analytics experiment. Enter Machine Learning Studio and click Get started button. We can choose either Guest Access or log in with our…

  • Microsoft Azure : Mobile Services – iOS with JavaScript

    We will add cloud-based backend service to an iOS app using Azure Mobile Services. We will create both new mobile service and simple To do list app that stores app data in new mobile service. Mobile service that we will create uses JavaScript for server-side business logic. Pre-requisite We need a Microsoft Azure Account. Create new mobile…

  • Microsoft Azure : Creating JAVA application & configure

    We will create Java web app in Azure App Service by using the Azure portal. The Azure portal is a web interface that we can use to manage Azure resources. Pre-requisite We require a Microsoft Azure Subscription. JAVA application options There are several ways we can set up Java application in an App Service web app: 1)    Use…

  • Microsoft Azure : Running JAVA Web Application using template

    We will create Java web app in Azure App Service by using the Azure portal. The Azure portal is a web interface that we can use to manage Azure resources. Pre-requisite We require a Microsoft Azure Subscription. JAVA application options There are several ways we can set up Java application in an App Service web app: 1)    Use…

  • Microsoft Azure : Running ASP.NET Web Application

    Overview We will deploy ASP.NET web application to web apps in Azure App Service by using Visual Studio. In result, we will have simple web application up and running in cloud. Pre-requisite Visual Studio Microsoft Azure Subscription Setting up development environment To start, set up development environment by installing Azure SDK for Visual Studio. Creating project…

  • Microsoft Azure : Running Linux Virtual Machine

    Creating an Azure VM that runs Linux is easy to do. We will use ssh public key file to secure our SSH connection to VM. We can also create Linux VM’s using our own images as templates. NOTE: We will create an Azure VM which is managed by Azure resource group. Pre-requisite We need Azure subscription. Steps…

  • Microsoft Azure : Running Windows Virtual Machine

    How easy it is to create an Azure VM in just a few minutes. We’ll use Windows Server 2012 r2 Datacentre image but that’s just one of many images Azure offers. We can also create VM’s using our own images, with Resource Manager Templates or with automation tools. We will use the Resource Manager Deployment…