DevOpSmartBoard- Multiple Team Capacity
In this blog we will discuss about Multiple Team Capacity reports. This one also is the most demanded report that have been asked by Azure DevOps customer from a long time. Sprint and Capacity Planning is a most sought out feature of Azure DevOps by project managers and companies following Agile or Scrum methodology, this…
Connect apps and integrate data with workflows using Azure Logic Apps
Implementing complex business process has been made easy. Logic Apps in azure provide a way to implement simplified scalable integrations and workflows in the cloud. It provides a flow chart designer to model and automate your process as a series of steps known as a workflow. Connectors are available across the cloud and on-premises to…
TFS to VSTS Migrations
The next evolution of TFS Whether you’re a startup or Enterprise or you’re a team of just one, with Visual Studio Team Services you can easily carry out all the DevOps activities like plan, develop, test, deploy and monitor your business critical applications, from anywhere. You don’t need a large infrastructure team, and you don’t…
Setup Jenkins for VSO with TFVC
Jenkins provides an easy-to-use Continuous Integration method, making it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project. We can use Visual Studio Online (VSO) to store code and use Jenkins for Continuous Integration builds. A Jenkins build can be triggered when code is checked into TFS with TFVC as the code repository. In this…
TFS 2013 Build Template Customization
How to enable logging verbosity process parameter in build definition? Verbosity for a build will help us to debug the build results to see what exactly went into build. In TFS 2013, default build process template TfvcTemplate.12.xaml verbosity level is set to “Normal” by default and if we need to change the verbosity level we…
Migrating TFS 2013 Version Control to TFS Git with changeset history
There are several articles on the web describing the migration technique with minimal details. This article is an effort to provide the complete information to successfully migrate from the TFS VC to the TFS GIT VC. TFS ‘out-of-the-box’ does not provide any tools to export import source code or changesets. Usually, if we want to…
TFS Build for .Net 2.0 Projects
Clients have strange requirements. The other day I had been to a client for a discussion. These guys are using .Net 2.0 framework for their application. What’s strange is that new development is also happening in 2.0 framework. The problem arose when these guys wanted to use TFS Team build for building their legacy apps…