Azure DevOps integration with Xamarin
Xamarin is an open-source platform for building cutting-edge and effective applications for different cross platforms like Android, iOS and Windows with .NET using single shared codebase. In this blog I am using Azure DevOps cloud to build an application, below fig (a) shows the sample code in azure repos. Build pipeline creation in azure DevOps:…
Create a simple Chatbot App using Botframework & Xamarin.Forms
We can integrate Chatbot API with Xamarin.Forms App using two methods, Embed Code with Web View or Native with DirectLine. In this blog, I shall explain how to integrate Chatbot using embed code with WebView which is simple. To achieve this, we need to have below 3 things set up An Azure account Create Bot…
App Center With Xamarin Forms
AppCenter is helpful for us to build our App along with we can test our app on 1000+ physical devise which is hosted on cloud. With the help of AppCenter we can distribute our build for testing purpose and after that we can deploy on App Store and Play store. AppCenter provide a facility to…