Canarys is renowned for its expertise in software compatibility testing. We test software applications on different operating systems, mobile devices, networks, and hardware. Our forward and backward compatibility tests ensure that the newest versions of software work flawlessly with both previous and existing devices. Choose Canarys for error-free software applications that deliver impressive performance in varied environments.
This testing ensures the compatibility of the latest software version with previous or existing devices. Canarys predicts and manages modifications in older versions, minimizing the risk of incompatibility.
Canarys conducts this testing to ensure that the latest software versions work seamlessly with older software or hardware. This is essential for providing a consistent user experience across a diverse range of devices.
Ensures compatibility with 3rd-party software.
Validates consistent functioning with various devices.
Guarantees compatibility with all hardware.
Confirms functionality across different network bandwidths.
Ensures flawless performance across popular browsers.
Confirms compatibility with earlier software versions.
Ensures compatibility with various operating systems.
Validates compatibility across iOS, Android, and other mobile OS platforms.
Canarys customized compatibility testing lifecycle encompasses: