Digitalization – Canarys

Digital Assurance

In the Digital era, to create a strong foundation to ensure quality, help achieve business goals,
and enjoy the trust of customers, embrace Canarys Digital Assurance Solutions.

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Canarys Digital Assurance Overview

With the dynamic changes in lives and businesses, Organizations all over the world are moving towards Digitalization in the way they are doing business delivering value to customers through the adoption of Digitalization practices. Business methods and strategies are being transformed to conform and align to digital methods to improve customer experience and reduce business overheads.

We understand companies need a magic tool to balance a rapidly changing technology and catch the market’s speed. Here comes Canarys robust Digital Assurance Solutions approach that ensures the success of the digital transformation.

LifeCycle of Digital Assurance

Why is Canarys the right pick for businesses like yours?

  • Canarys Digital Assurance Model assures clients by providing handholding from Release Testing, Supporting/Maintenance Testing, and Testing for Scale.
  • Our Digital Assurance Model offers autonomous testing where we sojourn with clients in their journey from Manual Testing to Automation Testing to Autonomous Testing.
  • The clients can experience the acceleration in testing, Increased productivity and system versatility, Cost-effectiveness, and competitive edge.
  • Our evaluation framework consists of Testing, Assurance, Audit, Scalability and Security.
  • Varied portfolio of solutions like specialized QA Solutions, Digital Assurance, Quality Engineering, ERP Assurance, and Test Advisory and Audit Services.
  • With our Digital Assurance Model, we put your interest first and help you growyour business needs and stay ahead of the curve with faster market release and defect-free solutions.
LifeCycle of Digital Assurance

Our Portfolio


Specialized QA Solutions

Enhance your customer experience and satisfaction for the special solutions using specialized processes, tools, and techniques.


Digital Assurance

Optimize your digital transformation experience with our quality assured processes and solutions.


Quality Engineering

New age applications needs end-to-end Quality Engineering solutions. Our expertise can be counted.


Test Advisory Solutions

Organize your testing activities with our advisory solutions to the excellence.


ERP Assurance

Optimize Your ERP application systems by achieving compliance security and control as per international best practices.


Benefits of Digital Assurance

  • Agility
  • Reduction/Elimination of human errors
  • Novel user experiences
  • Higher operational efficiency
  • Customer Delight
  • Competitive Advantage
  • Cost Reduction, Easy Adaptability
  • Reduces Business Risks
  • Fraud Detection
  • Maintain Compliance and Regulatory

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