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Excel Keyboard Shortcuts


Below are some of the Keyboard shortcuts I use on a daily basis. Maybe helpful to others


Ctrl + R: Copy the contents from the left cell

Ctrl + D: Copy the contents from the above cell

End + : Go to the end till where there is text either to the left or right or up or down, depending on the arrow pressed.

Ctrl + W: Close the current Workbook

Ctrl + Home: Go to the starting of the sheet where data is present

Ctrl + End: Go to the end of the sheet where data is present

Ctrl + Pg Up: Go to the previous Worksheet

Ctrl + Pg Down: Go to the next Worksheet

Ctrl + +: When a column is selected, a new column is inserted to the left. When a row is selected, a new row is inserted above. Else it will prompt what needs to be inserted.

Ctrl +  – : When a column/row is selected then it is deleted. Else it will prompt what needs to be deleted.

Ctrl + : Select the current column

Shift + : Select the current row

F4: Repeat the last action

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