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How to Create an Azure Virtual Network by using a Deployment Template


Hello Folks!

In this Blog post, we will try to learn how to create an Azure V-Net using an ARM template. I have divided the post into two tasks. Please follow the steps to complete the deployment.

Task 1: Download the Template from GitHub

1. Open the internet explorer and type


2. Click azuredeploy.json, and then click RAW.




3. You will be redirected to a new page containing the JSON template.


4. Copy everything from this page using Ctrl+A and paste it in a new notepad file created in the folder C:ARM. Save this file with the name azuredeploy.json.



5. Navigate back to the sample template page.


6. Click azuredeploy-paremeters.json, and then click RAW.



7. You will be redirected to a new page containing the JSON template.



8. Copy everything from this page using Ctrl+A and paste it in a new notepad file created in the folder C:ARM. Save this file with the name azuredeploy-parameters.json.


9. Open azuredeploy-parameters.json in notepad and replace the value of vnetName with this standard-


10. It should look something like this


11. Save your file.


Task 2: Create a Resource Group to deploy Virtual Network into

1. Run Azure PowerShell on your computer


2. Login to your Azure Account using the cmdlet Login-AzureRmAccount and enter your Azure subscription credentials.15



3. Once you are logged in you will get an output similar to this16


4.  Run the New-AzureRmResourceGroup cmdlet to create a new resource group. The command below creates a resource group named MyName-RG in the Central US azure region. Replace MyName with your name in the below cmdlet.


New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name MyName-RG -Location centralus



5. After your deployment gets succeeded, you will get an output similar to this.





Task 3: Deploy the Virtual Network using the ARM templates to the Resource Group

1. Copy the command below and paste in your powershell window.


New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -Name TestVNetDeployment -ResourceGroupName MyName-RG -TemplateFile C:ARMazuredeploy.json -TemplateParameterFile C:ARMazuredeploy-parameters.json


Replace TestVNetDeployment to YourNameVNetDeployment

Replace MyName-RG to YourName-RG (The Name of your Resource Group)



2. The output should be similar to this.




3. Run the cmdlet below to view the properties of the new VNet created.

Replace TestRG with the name of your resource group.

Replace TestVNet with the name of the VNET you just created.


Get-AzureRmVirtualNetwork -ResourceGroupName MyName-RG -Name MyName-VNET


4. Your output should be similar to this.



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