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Implementing DevSecOps in GitLab 


In the world of software creation, ensuring security throughout the development process has become incredibly important. GitLab, a powerful platform for DevOps, offers a smooth path to introducing DevSecOps practices. This guide will take you through the essential steps to integrate security seamlessly into your pipelines using GitLab. 

Understanding DevSecOps 

In a DevSecOps environment, security measures are built into the DevOps pipelines, and security checks are automated as much as possible. This can include practices such as code analysis for potential security vulnerabilities, vulnerable dependencies and even the checking for any hardcoded tokens or passwords. DevSecOps is not about adding security as an afterthought but about building it in from the very start of creating software. 

DevSecOps in GitLab 

1.Enable Static Application Security Testing (SAST): SAST allows you to find vulnerabilities in your source code before it’s compiled.  

2.Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Scanning: Analyze your infrastructure as code configuration files for known vulnerabilities 

3.Enable Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST): DAST allows you to find vulnerabilities in your running application.  

4.Enable Dependency Scanning: This allows you to find vulnerabilities in your dependencies.  

5.Enable Container Scanning: This allows you to find vulnerabilities in your Docker images.  

6.Enable License Compliance: This allows you to ensure that your project is not using any software with licenses that conflict with your project’s license. 

7.Enable Secret Detection: This allows you to find any secrets or credentials that have been accidentally committed to your repository. 

8.Enable Security Dashboard: The Security Dashboard is a good place to get an overview of all the security vulnerabilities in your project. 

9.Enable Merge Request Security Reports: This allows you to see the security report of a merge request before it’s merged. 

Steps to implement DevSecops in GitLab: 

1.Setting Up Continuous Integration (CI): GitLab’s continuous integration (CI) and continuous deployment (CD) pipelines are the foundation of the DevSecOps approach.

– To begin with create a “.gitlab-ci.yml” file.

2.Enable the required scanning/Testing: Start adding required templates and configurations to enable security scanning withing your pipelines.

3.Creating Security Policies and Ensuring Compliance: Define and enforce security policies within GitLab. Set standards for compliance and create automatic checks to ensure that your code meets security benchmarks and any required regulations. 

The image below illustrates the configuration settings for security measures, offering a range of options that can be tailored based on specific requirements. These configurations allow for fine-tuning security parameters, enabling users to customize settings according to their project’s needs and desired security standards. Below security configuration can be found under Secure –> Security Configuration of each Project in Gitlab. 

The security dashboard showcased below becomes accessible upon successful configuration and execution of the security YAML file. This dashboard materializes as a visual representation, depicting various security aspects integral to your project’s health and safety. However, its appearance hinges on the successful setup and execution of the security YAML file within your GitLab environment. 


Integrating security throughout the development process is key for building robust and secure applications. By incorporating security at every stage, organizations can strengthen their applications against potential threats while still being agile and efficient in delivering software. GitLab’s user-friendly interface and comprehensive features make it an excellent platform for seamlessly integrating security into DevOps practices, creating a proactive and secure development environment. 

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