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Key Metrics to Measure DevOps Success


DevOps words means many things to many people and all the definitions might be partly right. DevOps is all about continuously seeking feedback, understanding challenges, and improving the way the software is development, deployed and consumed by end-user. To measure how we are fairing on the DevOps success journey few key metrics are important to understand and act upon on those. And DevOpSmartBoard our One Stop Dashboard solution for all the Azure DevOps reporting needs will help to identify those DevOps practice areas with metrics. Let us check those:

  1. Deployment frequency: Understanding how often we deploy the app is important. Frequent deployments with smaller changes help to rapidly take the new updates to end-users and realize the consume-feedback-change cycle quickly. The Project Health report of DevOpSmartBoard provides key indicators about the project progress, including build & release failure trends, deployment frequency etc.
  2. Deployment time: Even though this might be a small metrics but very important. Many a times we see the deployments will take lot of time which affects tracking potential issues and fixing it. It is always easier to deploy more often when deployment happens faster. The Azure Pipeline report: provides insights into the deployment of apps at different environments, along with duration and other details. One step further this report provides details across release pipelines, environments, and projects.
  3. Lead time: Lead time is summation of Start & Cycle time which is the amount of time from work requested till it reaches end-users. Tracking lead time is very important for DevOps success and Project Health and Traceability Report in DevOpSmartBoard provides you details on Lead time.
  4. Cycle Time: The amount of time from work started until work finished. This also matters very much for DevOps success, because Cycle time is the main indicator of the team’s speed to deliver value and efficiency ratio. Team Capacity Report in DevOpSmartBoard provides you details on Cycle time
  5. Failed deployments: Failing deployments are major concerns in DevOps. The “Failed Releases” chart in Project Health Report in DevOpSmartBoard provides failure trend over time and DevOps leaders can debug this and take corrective actions to improve this.
  6. Defect/Bug rates: Tracking the bug rates in the project is crucial and when these bugs occur, is also equally important in DevOps success. This gives indicator of quality problems such as performance issues, exceptions, and other issues. In DevOpSmartBoard you can check Bug trends at Organization level, Bugs by Severity at project level, and critical Bug trend in Project Health Report. These charts and reports help team to analyze where they are going wrong and take corrective measures.
  7. Defect Volume: This metrics focuses on the actual volume of defects found over time and any surge in volume. High volume of defects for a particular application may indicate issues with development or test data management. The Bug report in Project Dashboard provides us the necessary information and helps to realize what could be wrong if they are any surges in bugs and act on it.

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