Manage My SMS
Canarys Automations Pvt Ltd
Communication, Utility
Stay organized with your SMS messages by automatically moving them into folders like Personal, Updates, Promotions, Home, Office, Friends, Bank, Junk etc. Install this app and let the app – “Manage Your SMS” messages – Effortlessly!
This app is very easy to use, intuitive and comes with a completely revamped UI. The installation is simple and straightforward. On the first launch, the app organizes your SMS messages into default folders – Personal, Updates and Promotions. Additional folders can be created, rules configured and password protected to further organize the messages.
- Salient features:
- The app can read out the messages for you
- Delete selected messages in the conversation in one go
- Automatic alphabet based dynamic image for the users instead of the default image
- Group your messages automatically into folders
- Create folders and password protect the messages in the folder
- Send regular or scheduled messages
- View / move messages into designated folders by the conversation thread
- Call the Sender from the message conversation thread
- Backup / Restore your messages to another Android device
- Search messages by keywords
- Easily reply to messages using quick text
- Set message Rules to move conversations to desired folder
What’s New?
• Automatic emailing of missed calls and messages received on your phone
• Minor defects fixed
Things to remember:
• Disable your default message notifications to receive notifications only from this app.
• Delete your SMS messages from the default message app to effectively manage the message protection.
We welcome your feedback, questions and suggestions for improving ManageMySMS at
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define(jQuery || ['jquery'], factory);
else if (typeof exports === 'object')
factory(jQuery || require('jquery'));
var pluginName = "tinycarousel"
, defaults =
start: 0
, axis: "x"
, buttons: true
, bullets: false
, interval: false
, intervalTime: 3000
, animation: true
, animationTime: 1000
, infinite: true
function Plugin($container, options)
this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
this._defaults = defaults;
this._name = pluginName;
var self = this
, $viewport = $container.find(".viewport:first")
, $overview = $container.find(".overview:first")
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, sizeLabel = isHorizontal ? "Width" : "Height"
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, intervalTimer = null
this.slideCurrent = 0;
this.slidesTotal = 0;
function initialize()
return self;
this.update = function()
$slides = $overview.children();
viewportSize = $viewport[0]["offset" + sizeLabel];
slideSize = $slides.first()["outer" + sizeLabel](true);
self.slidesTotal = $slides.length;
slideCurrent = self.options.start || 0;
slidesVisible = Math.ceil(viewportSize / slideSize);
$overview.append($slides.slice(0, slidesVisible).clone().addClass("mirrored"));
$overview.css(sizeLabel.toLowerCase(), slideSize * (self.slidesTotal + slidesVisible));
return self;
function setEvents()
return false;
return false;
$container.on("click", ".bullet", function()
self.move(slideIndex = +$(this).attr("data-slide"));
return false;
this.start = function()
intervalTimer = setTimeout(function()
}, self.options.intervalTime);
return self;
this.stop = function()
return self;
this.move = function(index)
slideIndex = index;
self.slideCurrent = slideIndex % self.slidesTotal;
if(slideIndex < 0) { self.slideCurrent = slideIndex = self.slidesTotal - 1; $overview.css(posiLabel, -(self.slidesTotal) * slideSize); } if(slideIndex > self.slidesTotal)
self.slideCurrent = slideIndex = 1;
$overview.css(posiLabel, 0);
contentStyle[posiLabel] = -slideIndex * slideSize;
, {
queue : false
, duration : self.options.animation ? self.options.animationTime : 0
, always : function()
$container.trigger("move", [$slides[self.slideCurrent], self.slideCurrent]);
return self;
function setButtons()
if(self.options.buttons && !self.options.infinite)
$prev.toggleClass("disable", self.slideCurrent <= 0); $next.toggleClass("disable", self.slideCurrent >= self.slidesTotal - slidesVisible);
return initialize();
$.fn[pluginName] = function(options)
return this.each(function()
if(!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName))
$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName, new Plugin($(this), options));
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