Content creation over Confluence
In this blog i will brief all the features to edit the content in Confluence.
In the below screenshot i have highlighted all the features and provided the numbering and i will be explaining each in detail.

You can highlight a text and select the levels of Headings ranging from 1 to 6

2)Bold – for bold the Shortcut is (Ctrl+B)
3)Italic – for Italic the Shortcut is (Ctrl+I)
4)Underline – for underline the Shortcut is (Ctrl+U)
5)Strikethrough – for strikethrough the Shortcut is (Ctrl+Shift+S)
6)Code – if you want to add code over the page, you can add it using the code snippet and the Shortcut for it is (Ctrl+Shift+M)
7)Subscript – for subscript the Shortcut is (Ctrl+Shift+,)
8)Superscript – for superscript the Shortcut is (Ctrl+Shift+.)
9)Clear formatting – will clear all the formatting that is done and the Shortcut is (Ctrl+\)
Text Alignment
The below are the options for the text alignment.
Text can be Right, Center and Left aligned.

Text Color
You can change the text colors by using the below.

We can list from the below highlighted options.

Action Items
Action Items will give you a checkbox where you can mention someone to take some action over it.

Link will let you add a hyperlink confluence page or a Jira Issues from the current page that you are in.

Other options are highlighted over the below screenshot

1)Picture will let you add pictures from your device
2)Layout will let you add a layout over the page.
3)Table is used to draw a table over the page.
4)@– will let you mention anyone from you Active Directory.

Emoji can be added from the below option.

Macros can be used to enhance your content over the pages and you can explore all from the following link-
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