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Migrating Work Item from Azure DevOps to GitHub Issues


Overview: This blog will let you know migrating work items from Azure DevOps to GitHub. Work Item are nothing but we can say In Azure DevOps, a need can be stated by generating a work item Here in this scenario we have  one PowerShell script which help to migrate the work items from Azure DevOps to GitHub .


  • Install Azure DevOps and GitHub cli where this is running (i.e. action or locally; GitHub-hosted runners already have)
  • Use these reference for Repository.
  • Create a label for each work item type that is being migrated (lower case) in GitHub .
  1. user story
  2. bug
  3. task
  4. feature
  • Define under what area path you want to migrate.

Things That Migrated:

  • Title
  • Description
  • State (if the work item is done / closed, it will be closed in GitHub)
  • It will try to assign the work item to the correct user in GitHub – based on ADO email
  • It uses the -gh_update_assigned_to and -gh_assigned_to_user_suffix options to added users to GitHub org.
  • Migrate acceptance criteria as part of issue body.
  • Adds in the following as a comment to the issue.
  • Original work item URL
  • Entire work item in a JSON format.

Steps to do :

The recommendation is to use a GitHub App to run the Migration – a GitHub app has higher rate limits than using a user PAT.

  • Create GitHub App (Following these reference) Use the following permission.
    • Repo: Content: Read
    • Repo: Issues: Read and write
    • Org: Members: Read
  • Create Private Key for GitHub App (Following these reference)
  • Obtain App ID and Installation ID (Following these reference)
  • Create the following action secrets ADO_PAT & PRIVATE_KEY
  • Use the Actions and update the App ID and Installation ID.
  • Update the details in the actions i.e. Azure DevOps organization and Project and GitHub Organizations and Repository.
  • Ensure the action exists in Repository’s default branch.
  • Run the Workflow.
  1. Go to Azure DevOps Create One  BUG Work item and add TAG.


  1. Navigate to GitHub Repository main page and Click on Issues and add the Label (Lower Case)


  1. Now Click on Actions and Run the workflow.


  1. You’ll find the Work item on the GitHub Issues Tab as soon as the workflow runs successfully.


Conclusion :

I hope this blog post has given you further insight into how to migrate work items from Azure DevOps to GitHub. Additionally, it provides you with a brief overview of how to create GitHub Apps, private keys, edit the data, etc.

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