Overview: This blog will let you know migrating work items from Azure DevOps to GitHub. Work Item are nothing but we can say In Azure DevOps, a need can be stated by generating a work item Here in this scenario we have one PowerShell script which help to migrate the work items from Azure DevOps to GitHub .
- Install Azure DevOps and GitHub cli where this is running (i.e. action or locally; GitHub-hosted runners already have)
- Use these reference for Repository.
- Create a label for each work item type that is being migrated (lower case) in GitHub .
- user story
- bug
- task
- feature
- Define under what area path you want to migrate.
Things That Migrated:
- Title
- Description
- State (if the work item is done / closed, it will be closed in GitHub)
- It will try to assign the work item to the correct user in GitHub – based on ADO email
- It uses the
and-gh_assigned_to_user_suffix options to added users to GitHub org.
- Migrate acceptance criteria as part of issue body.
- Adds in the following as a comment to the issue.
- Original work item URL
- Entire work item in a JSON format.
Steps to do :
The recommendation is to use a GitHub App to run the Migration – a GitHub app has higher rate limits than using a user PAT.
- Create GitHub App (Following these reference) Use the following permission.
- Repo: Content: Read
- Repo: Issues: Read and write
- Org: Members: Read
- Create Private Key for GitHub App (Following these reference)
- Obtain App ID and Installation ID (Following these reference)
- Create the following action secrets ADO_PAT & PRIVATE_KEY
- Use the Actions and update the App ID and Installation ID.
- Update the details in the actions i.e. Azure DevOps organization and Project and GitHub Organizations and Repository.
- Ensure the action exists in Repository’s default branch.
- Run the Workflow.
- Go to Azure DevOps Create One BUG Work item and add TAG.
- Navigate to GitHub Repository main page and Click on Issues and add the Label (Lower Case)
- Now Click on Actions and Run the workflow.
- You’ll find the Work item on the GitHub Issues Tab as soon as the workflow runs successfully.
Conclusion :
I hope this blog post has given you further insight into how to migrate work items from Azure DevOps to GitHub. Additionally, it provides you with a brief overview of how to create GitHub Apps, private keys, edit the data, etc.