The curious case of native versus the cross platform development of mobile apps
Business is often caught in a predicament to choose technology that best suits the objective of delivery and maintenance of mobile apps. Advent of various cross platform mobile development technology offers Business and Developers to leverage existing skills and manage their development activities efficiently. However
- Is it all rosy?
- – Does the cross platform technology offer a one stop shop to develop, deploy and maintain apps on a wide range of mobile platforms?
Vineeth Nagaraju
Director Mobile Solutions
Vineeth Nagaraju heads the Mobile Solutions Division at Canarys. With over a decade and half of experience in IT, Vineeth brings a wealth of knowledge into the organization. He has extensive experience in development of both enterprise and consumer apps, as also native and cross platform technologies.
Date : 4th June 2014
Day : Wednesday
Time : 11:30 AM EST
Duration: 1 hour including Q&A
People who can benefit out of attending this webinar
- Directors
- Managers
- Practice Heads
- Vp’s and CXO’s