Canarys | IT Services


Software Testing


Innovation is great, but is it sustainable? That's the first question we ask when somebody screams 'Eureka.' In a world where new technologies in the field of software are being developed at the drop of a hat, questioning the reliability and viability is what we do? And our geeks at the testing desk don't let anything slip through their fingers.
They are experts in testing the reliability of the systems and see if the newly developed products are functional from every angle.
Our testing solutions can help your organization to test and deploy business-critical applications quickly and efficiently. Our services encompass a full range of turnkey application testing services specifically designed to offer you the testing solutions, professional consulting services, and testing infrastructure necessary to successfully launch an application. Our professionals have the expertise, proven methodologies, and leading-edge solutions to help you assess, plan, and implement your specific testing needs.
Our software testing is planned and monitored for each testing level (e.g., unit, integration, system, acceptance and non-functional).
Following is a brief outline of our capabilities in software testing:

Functionality Testing

Integration Testing

System Testing

Regression Testing.

Specialized Testing

Compliance / Conformance Testing

Component Testing.

Performance Testing

Load Testing

Stress Testing

Volume Testing

Analysis & Interpretation

Test Automation

Functional Automation

Implementation & Maintenance

Test Process Consulting

Define / Implement / Manage Test Processes

Statistical methods for data analysis

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