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Source Code Management Tool – GIT (version control)



  • This blog is all about discussing the tool which is highly used in IT sector as source code management tool and version control kit that is git. Git tool is highly used because of its light weight and its high efficiency for the duplication of the source code into various branches  
  • The git is known as version control system also because it can record all the changes we made in the source code . It can be recalled whenever it is needed 

  • The local repository using the code can be having a updated version and the past versions so that the code can run in all kinds of environments without any disturbances 

  • The git is mainly used for managing and interpreting the source code. And it is done by creating various branches in the terminal according to the project and source code`s requirements. 



The above flow diagram is the correct depiction of git flow strategy used in various organization for the efficient usage of the source code. 

  • Master branch: it’s the default branch for the source code that must be intact or untouched. 

  • Development branch: it’s the permanent branch after master , where the devops guys have to edit the source code. 

  • Release branch: the purpose of this branch is to fix the bugs before releasing the update in the deployment.   

  • Hotfix branch: this is about the fixing the bugs or software glitches at the deployment stage. 

  • Feature branch: it is the sub-branch of development branch, this is branch with numerous branches of several feature update required to source code. 

  •  Support branch: it is the branch for the older versions which are not in trend, used for the new versions update. 


The below picture shows the work-flow of git branches and the how branching strategy works:  

  • Master branch is the main branch to contain the source code and we create other branches for replicating the source code and using the code according to the update required in each particular-branch. 

  • Then, the code which has been bisected and updated in every branch will be merged into the master branch then, the code will be committed and pushed to remote repository in GitHub further usage of the code. 


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