Tag: C#.Net

  • Converting UserControl into a dll

    User controls are containers into which you can put markup and Web server controls. You can then treat the user control as a unit and reuse it in many other ASP.NET pages. But here I show you how to combine any number of UserControls into a dll and re-use across applications. Step1: Creating a UserControl…

  • What are Frames? How to handle frames in Selenium WebDriver with C#?

    IFrame (FullForm: Inline Frame) is an HTML document that is included in another HTML document and is used to place the contents from another source. Eg: Advertisements, Youtube Videos etc… Almost all site includes IFramenow a day, where they would be displaying advertisements or playing videos of other sources. Now, let’s see how to identify…

  • What is Synchronization? Handling Synchronization in Selenium WebDriver using C#:

    Synchronization meaning: when two or more components involved to perform any action, we expect these components to work together with the same pace. The co-ordination between these components to run paralelly is called Synchronization. Synchronization (Wait) in Selenium has a great significant value. Now a day, we see most of the web applications are developed…

  • Sending Test reports by Email using Office 365, Gmail

    Wouldn’t it be great if Test Report are sent automatically across team as soon the Test Execution is complete?? Now, let’s see how to achieve this using Office 365.com, Outlook.com and Gmail.com account as the SMTP host. Include the below code in your OneTImeTearDown (NUnit) or AfterClass (TestNG) method: we attain this feature using library…

  • ASP.NET: Audit Trail Implementation using Entity Framework

    When you are working with certain projects which involves the Customer records, you might need to track of each and every addition/change made to system along with who create, modify and delete the records.  Here I am going to show you how to implement the Audit Trail using Entity Framework in ASP.NET. Entity Framework keeps…

  • Create Restful service using Web API

    What is Asp.Net Web API? Asp.Net Web API is a framework for building HTTP services that can be consumed by a broad range of clients including browsers, mobiles, iphone and tablets. It is very similar to ASP.NET MVC since it contains the MVC features such as routing, controllers, action results, filter, model binders, IOC container…

  • Create custom project templates in Visual Studio

    Visual studio installation comes with the various predefined project templates, and we can use one of these templates (like console application, class library, ASP.NET web application, etc) to create a new project. We can create custom project templates and have they appear in create new project dialog under the project selection templates. Here I would…

  • WCF SOAP and REST Services

    WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) is a programming platform and runtime system for building, configuring and deploying network-distributed services. It is the latest service oriented technology; Interoperability is the fundamental characteristics of WCF. WCF provides a common platform for all .NET communication. WCF provides a runtime environment for your services, enabling you to expose CLR types…

  • What’s New In C# 6.0?

    Microsoft has released the preview version of Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 4.6 for developers to try and provide feedback on usage or issues. .NET 4.6 preview comes with C# 6.0 which includes the new additional features expected by developers to improve the coding productivity. In this article I am going to describe the new…

  • Creating an RDLC report in Asp.Net

    Step 1.  Create a new website and Add DataSet to the Website Right Click on the project, Add new item Dataset, and name it as Employees.xsd. Step 2. Adding DataTable to the DataSet Our next step would be to add a DataTable to the Type DataSet. Step 3. Adding Columns or fields to DataTable In…