XML with SQL Server
XML It is all about describing data. Below is a XML which describes Patient data. 1 1000001 Sion Cat An XML tag is not something predefined but it is something we have to define according to our needs. The XML document is self-explanatory, anyone can easily understand looking at the XML data what exactly it…
New Features in Sql Server 2008
Introduction: Many new developer features were introduced in SQL Server 2008 database. This tutorial discusses the new top 10 developer features introduced in SQL server 2008. 1. Change's in the DATE and TIME DataTypes In SQL Server 2005, there were DATETIME or SMALLDATETIME data types to store datetime values but there was no specific datatype…
Pivoting and Unpivoting Data In SQL Server 2008
In this blog, I would like to explain about PIVOT and UNPIVOT operator in SQL Server. The PIVOT operator allows you to rotate data between columns and rows, performing aggregations along the way. UNPIVOT is the inverse of PIVOT, rotating data from columns to rows. Open Schema: I’ll use open schema as the scenario for…