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Troubleshooting load test threshold violations


Threshold Violations after running load test.

Threshold Violation: Network Interface – Bytes Total /sec exceeds the threshold value

The Bytes Total/sec performance counter shows the rate at which the network adapter is processing data bytes. This counter includes all application and file data, in addition to protocol information, such as packet headers. TheBytes Total/sec performance counter is the sum of the Network InterfaceBytes Received/sec and Network Interface/Bytes Sent/sec.

For a 100 megabits per second (Mbps) network adapter, the value of the Bytes Total/sec performance counter should be under 7 megabytes/second. For a 1000 Mbps network adapter, the value of the Bytes Total/secperformance counter should be under 70 megabytes/second. If Bytes Total/sec exceeds 7 percent of the bandwidth of the network. The Load Test Analyzer displays an error.

The following are some of the possible causes of this error:

  • A network interface card (NIC) on the computer cannot support the maximum bandwidth supported by your network infrastructure.
  • There is too much load on the server.

To resolve this error,

  • If a NIC is does not support the maximum bandwidth of your network, upgrade the NIC to support a faster bandwidth.
  • Reduce the load on the server

Threshold Violation: CPU – %Processor Time exceeds the threshold violation

The acceptable average limit for CPU or %Processor Time usage is 75%. If it less than 70%, it is good. If the Processor Time is more than 75% continuously more than 10min. We say there is a bottleneck with the CPU.

To resolve this error,

  • Upgrade the server.
  • Reduce the load on the server.


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