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Work load-balancing using master and slave configuration in Jenkins


1.create a master and launch it via putty , start the tomcat for hosting the Jenkins. 

2.Genearte key with the command ssh-keygen in master and its connection to the slave and change the configurations in sshd_config (etc/ssh/).Copy the slave’s private IP and paste it as follows ssh-copy-id ,pvtIP , in all other server. the Jenkins, and open the manage nodes . 

4.Create four nodes(slaves with certain no.of executors) as per four slave server. 

5.create freestyle jobs, and check the “restrict where this project can be run” and give your slave name to run the job in it particularly. 

6.Give the source code management git , and give the following git repos url and give the serevers credentials. 

7.create no.of jobs according to your executors and click build now , it will run parallely in the server you restricted. 

:these are no.of executors to work on that jobs in slave_1 

:This is the build history of slave_1 

n role=”presentation”>

2.Genearte key with the command ssh-keygen in master and its connection to the slave and change the configurations in sshd_config (etc/ssh/).Copy the slave’s private IP and paste it as follows ssh-copy-id ,pvtIP , in all other server. the Jenkins, and open the manage nodes .